Tuesday, February 16, 2010


My sister touches my dress, rubs the material between her thumb and her index finger and says "I could make this". My sister is majoring in fashion design at Columbia College. And I am so green with envy! Not because I want to study fashion. But because she is so proud of what she does. She has portfolios, samples, a mannequin, a sewing machine... we can't step foot in Walmart without her looking for new fabrics. She has a genuine passion. Me on the other hand, my interest varies depending on the class I'm in. When I had broadcasting classes I wanted to be an anchor. When I first began media production classes, I want to be a director. Toward the end of my college career, I have taken communication courses that were more business related, and now, that's where my interest lies.

I should have a whole plan for my life and I don't. All I know is that I want stability, yet I bore easily. I have a history of losing interest in jobs, hobbies, men. I need to be constantly engaged. But I don't think that's the way the world works. I am trying to find my niche in this world. But, I don't know what it is. What am I passionate about? Success. I just want to be successful and able to provide for myself and my daughter in abundance. So, next logical question is what do I like??

Well, like most people, I like to talk. Other than that, I like to write, and I like to help people, mainly in the form of encouragement. Who talks, writes, and encourages?? Human resources coordinators? Motivational speaker?  I'm not sure, about writing. What would I write? Can't feed myself from writing my blog...

I am anxious to find my passion. How can I be a career woman... with no clear career path to follow? I am hoping for suggestions...

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