Saturday, February 6, 2010

Make The Choice

I am a person who is always called to immediate action. I like "right now"! I have no patience, nor have I ever. And if I have to make the choice of going, doing, seeing, or participating in anything either right now or later on, NOW is my choice.

But immediate gratification and goals, do not go hand in hand. If I want to eat this donut right now, what effect does that have on my long term weight loss goal? If I want to have sex right now, how does that effect my long term goal of being in a committed relationship?? We have to reject the immediate gratification to meet long term goals.

But it is so difficult, to turn down something that you want (what ever it may be) when it is staring you in the face? How do you turn down what you want now for what you want later? How do you turn down a good paying job, to go to college for 4 yrs... and perhaps don't get a job afterwards??

The answer is, we MUST BELIEVE that what we want in the long term is of better quality, more substantial, more important, and much more fulfilling then what stands before us presently. We can't just want to believe it. We will fail every time, unless we are convinced!

But how do we convince ourselves?

That is a means we must all come up with, individually.

Right now, I am struggling to make the choice between instant satisfaction.... and delayed gratification... I hope I make the right choice. And I hope you do too.

Thanks for Reading.

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