Sunday, August 16, 2009

Upgrade to First Class Mommy

I have always wanted to be a better mother. When it comes to being a good mom, there is always room for improvement. But for a long time, I felt like I was at a stand still. Such as, my daughter and I were always together, but not together. She's been in my presence pretty much everyday of her life, but I found it difficult, to find activities we could do together.. Well, I wasn't really looking. I made so many sacrifices to take care of her, that I kind of felt, like my job was done. I was a single parent. I put the clothes on her back and the food in her mouth. And I did these things by myself, when I was a young girl, (I may have felt a bit of resentment)but providing for her only scratched the surface of what a mother should do.

This was the first summer my daughter went to see her father in Michigan. I missed her monstrously. My daughter is my number one fan. She constantly tells me she loves me, tells me I'm pretty, she's so excited about everything I do and say, and her love for me reminds me of how my mother loves me. It's unconditional. I vowed to be "funner" when she came back. Then, due to my forgetfulness, we had to share a television. So we spent all day in the same room together (well not ALL day). School had not began, my summer job was over, and it was just she and I. And I wouldn't take back those two weeks for anything in the world. I grew a true appreciation for her and for being a mother. There is truly no better gift than a child. She is like clay. I can mold her into the type of woman I want her to be (the type of woman I want to be as well). I have this awesome opportunity, to love, mold, educate, arm, and raise a successful woman. It is an honor, a challenge, and huge responsibility with huge rewards.

I shamefully must admit, I saw her primarily as a burden, a hurtle, and a true handful. Now when I see my daughter, even just getting off the school bus, I am just as excited as she is. I make daily plans for us, so she wont be bored. I recently taught her how to play checkers, how to ride a bike on two wheels, how to have a REAL water gun fight, and we've even started a movie night! I feel so evolved in my parenting. Even with my discipline, I used to feel so helpless to control her. I don't know if she's gotten better or I've gotten better.. OR if we're getting better together. She'll be seven years old next month, and I am just now feeling like I have the hang of this parenting thing. But instead of being saddened by how long it took me. I am delighted at how many years we have a head of us, for me to continue upgrading myself to the type of mother I can be proud of being. Have you upgraded at least one dimension of your character lately?

1 comment:

  1. Now thats real talk if I've never heard any. I have literally NEVER heard a woman, let alone a mother, speak so truthfully about motherhood. I dont have any little ones; however my sister has four. I know that it is truly a challenging job that never ends. It can be enormously stressful at times, and one must have a lot of patience to endure certain situations. Seems as if u have a GREAT relationship with God, and HE is giving u all the guidance u need. I love as well as admire ur "Motherhood Maturity" because Lord knows not every mother has it, lol. I pray that God continues to give u all the strength, knowledge, guidance, and wisdom u'll need as a mother as well as as a woman. I'm quite sure u're making UR mother proud :)


How do you feel about what you have read hear?