Monday, July 13, 2009

Accepting Your Truths Through Poetry

There are a lot of things that are uncomfortable to discuss. We are generally taught to be tough. There are things that bother us that we think we aren't allowed to be bothered by. When I was single, I hated saying that I wanted someone. We all suffer from insecurities, but we should beable to say what those insecurities are. I am insecure about my looks when in the presence of light skin women. That insecurity comes from childhood. Between being called every "black, ugly, crispy, etc..." and watching the way boys fell all over my light skin cousins and friends, I gained a negative self image. Now, if I'm by my self... I'm very confident.... but when in the company of fair toned women... I feel my self esteem reduce a couples of notches. I wrote two poems, one in reference to how I feel when I am single, the other about my complexion issues. I believe that admitting our insecurities is the first step in remedying them. The poems are as follows:


Man, if I see one more slow motion kiss
If I see one more scene in the rain full of lust and bliss
If I see one more motion picture couple say “I Do”
If I hear one more tear filled “I love you too”
If I see another comedy, drama, or action film love scene
Because you made me hate every fiber of a love story
Because of you, I look upon my old school t.v screen with envy
Movies that gave me tears of joy, bring me tears of discontent
Now for my favorite characters, I feel deep wrenching resentment
Look at them, running into each other’s arms, holding each other restlessly
Why is it only for Patrick Swayze and Baby, instead of you and me?
What you say?, let me guess, that’s fiction better yet, it’s fantasy
Well, thanks to you it is crap, emotion packed interludes I can no longer see
So if I see one more public profession of love
One more person whispering cliches’ like “you fit me, like a glove”
One more injury inflicted hero in search of his girl
One more bright eyed couple chanting “it’s us against the world”
One more in love dynamic duo jumping off the Titanic Ship
That shit is so lame and you don’t know how sick it makes me
But the thing is this, baby
I want to live the movie….


It’s funny- I'm a 24 year old woman
And I'm still insecure around light skin women
I been told I was beautiful hundreds of times (in adulthood)
But in childhood, I was every tar covered, shadow colored, black as hell were the words they screamed…. Not uttered
So when my relationship doesn't work out
The back of my mind always whispers what I want to say, “you want a light skin bitch!.. I want to shout”!
I don’t hate light skin women
I hate on them, because I’m jealous, jealous of how men respond to them
I feel inadequate. A chocolate girl has to be gorgeous to compete with a mediocre red bone
But so many pretend not to care, or not to notice complexions and skin tone!
I say bullshit!
But you say… she’s got some issues…possibly…
But who among us is without insecurity?
This is mine… The most prominent one at least

1 comment:

  1. I wish i could express myself through poetry, the way that you do but i can never seem to find the words


How do you feel about what you have read hear?