Friday, December 25, 2009

Are Good Terms a Good Thing?

So, I have an ex. Hands down he is the most annoying ex I have. Everything he says is either boring, stupid, superficial, or down right ridiculous. His logic is blurred. What makes it worse is he is always professing his undying love for me... Which has an effect on me.... that could not be further from flattery. I really have to count my blessings that we were able to part ways, no strings attached. As crazy as I was about him 5 years ago, I cannot bare a conversation with him presently. And to add insult to injury, he still owes me over 400 bucks for a phone bill. And has the nerve to get irritated when I bring it up. Why do I converse with him at all?

I feel the inept need to be on good terms with people. I really hate to have unnecessary enemies. Just knowing there is a person out there that I don't even want to speak to in passing, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. So, when dealing withmore difficult persons, I attempt to (as the old people say) feed them with a sling shot or a long handle spoon. But some people cannot be fed at all. You have to fast them out. Starve them out of your life. The acquaintance cannot be nurtured at all. Because when a person is utterly irritating, and the mere sound of their retarded voice, insights rage in your underbelly... maybe being on good terms is not good. Why do many of us fear "bad terms"? If a person cannot positively contribute to your life on even a sociable level, what is their purpose? Should we endure intellectually deprived conversations for the sake of good terms? Must we read, forward, and/or reply to crass, "religious", and often times pointless chain letter texts messages? to be nice? and be on good terms with these people?

Some of these people are idiots, imbeciles, and/or complete morons...And I hate to judge so harshly, but these are the thoughts that saturate my mind when I speak to this man. I harbor no hard feelings about the failure of the relationship, but his present stupidity and hallow words of affirmation really grinds my gears. But because because he's "nice", I should be on good terms with him? What the hell for? UGH!