Monday, November 23, 2009

Drama is Interesting

I thought about my blog today. I have not blogged recently. My blogs are always about dilemmas, problems, drama, pain, and/or conflict. But right now, all is right. Doing well (B or better) in 4 out of 5 classes. Getting along great with all family and all friends. My boyfriend is more compromising, compassionate, affectionate, and generous than ever. I have written multiple blogs about his short comings. But when he is worthy of praise.. it's not worth mentioning? Is it because I like drama? Do I think positive situations, encounters, and people aren't interesting? Am I right is the more important question?? Does anyone want to read 3-5 paragraphs about my happiness??? No! it's sappy, it's boring, and it's annoying. What does this mean, that I cannot indulge in blogging unless I am miserable or simply content at best? I once saw a movie that said that good writers cannot be happy. Are we so pessimistic and sick as a species that we can only get excited or emotional about someone Else's sorrow?? I am frustrated and without solution...:-(